Finding time to write!

Why oh why is it so difficult to find time to write these days? I am fully aware that this blog has not been touched since 2018! My gosh, the years have flown! My children are now growing up. They are 18, 16 and 9 now! How did that happen? My eldest is still studying from home, mainly concentrating on her art, my middle one is starting college in September. He’s applied for both media and carpentry as he has an interest in both. Watch this space to see what he ends up doing! And my youngest is still home educated and thoroughly enjoying his forest school and dance classes. We have a new addition to the family. A gorgeous, but very nervous rescue dog called Betty. She is my little soulmate who came along just at the right time for me. My dad was very poorly from the chemotherapy he was having for his very early stage cancer (funnily enough, the cancer hadn’t made him ill at all). He sadly passed away in January 2020 due to sepsis caused by the chemo (and the other concoction of pills and potions they were pumping in to him). It didn’t matter that he was 85 or had cancer, still nothing prepares you for the death of your dad.

Back in the latter part of 2019, we decided that we wanted to get a rescue dog. I knew ultimately, it would be me who ends up walking it and feeding it, so I suggested we get a tiny pocket sized dog. We were used to cats previously and so I thought a tiny chihuahua or yorkshire terrier would be a good compromise! So, when we were searching the rescue pages online and we came across a not so tiny but still very cute mixed breed who needed a home, we all fell in love! We had our first meeting and despite her nervousness, she seemed to like us, and we LOVED her and so after our home check and a big chat with the rescue, we were able to bring her home for a 2 week trial. By the end of that day (1st January 2020), in our hearts, she was already ours. Fast forward 16 months and she is approaching her 2nd birthday. She’s around 18kg, so not the tiny cat-sized pup we were planning. She’s been the biggest challenge so far as due to her past we have (and still have a LOT of issues to work through). But she has kept me busy all through the lockdowns and has taught me SO much about life, and what is important. She came along at the saddest time in my life so far, and for that I will forever be grateful.

Due to her issues, we don’t go for long country walks like I had planned to do with my dog. We can’t walk along the beach very often and we are still training her with being ok in the car. I will admit, I was sad at first, that we couldn’t do all the things I’d dreamed of with my dog, but I have now come to enjoy what we CAN do. I love her with all my heart and we spend long afternoons together while I write or craft.

While I’m on the subject of crafting, I will let you all know about my selling platforms. I still have . I also sell a bit on ebay. My current listings are here – There will be much more added in the near future as I am beginning to have a spring clear out! A much needed one! I also have an instagram account which you can find me if you search rubysastticUK on Instagram, or click on

I think as time goes on, this blog will be less about the children as they grow up and do their own thing, and more about life in general so it would great if you would stick around. I’m hoping now we are coming out of lockdown that life we resume to some kind of normality again soon. I don’t know about you, but I know I certainly need it.

How have you all been getting through this past year? Have you started anything new that you think you’ll keep up with? Any plans for the future?


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